I Am A Parent / Guardian / Family Member


Family and Community Engagement

"Raising the next generation is a shared responsibility. When families, communities and schools work together, students are more successful and the entire community benefits." -U.S. Department of Education The Nebraska Department of Education identified family engagement as an essential area of focus in its new Accountability for a Quality Education...
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Federal Programs

RECENT NEWS & UPDATES FROM THE FEDERAL PROGRAMS OFFICE Find the latest time sensitive information here Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Federal Programs Team Office Hours via Zoom! 10:00 - 11:00 AM (CST) Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/4024712452 Meeting ID:  402 471 2452 Or Telephone: US: +1...
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Fine Arts Education

Welcome to Nebraska's Fine Arts Education! The current Nebraska Fine Arts Education Standards were adopted by the Nebraska State Board of Education in 2014. The standards challenge students to develop the essential fine arts skills needed to succeed in college, career, and life.  They cover a broad array of core...
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Fine Arts Exchange

The NDE Fine Arts Education is excited to provide the "Fine Arts Exchange" as a resource to fine arts educators. On this page you will find arts organizations, both state agencies and non-profits, who have programs and opportunities that extend, enhance, and enrich arts learning. The information contained in the...
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For Elementary, Middle, and High School Programs

Resources for K-12 World Language Programs: Teaching Resources Sites Interactive Sites for Student Use or Teacher Professional Development Assessment Resources   Elementary Education: Elementary world language programs boost student achievement by improving evaluative functions, abstract thinking, and mental flexibility. In addition, world language programs promote the ability to communicate within...
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Formative Assessment

What is the Formative Assessment Supports Network (FASN)? The Formative Assessment Supports Network (FASN) is a system of supports for Nebraska educators designed to advance assessment literacy and focus on the implementation of formative assessment practices to strengthen effective instruction and propel student learning statewide. Introduction to FASN Resources Introduction...
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Future Ready Budget and Resources

1 Tagline which describes the focus of work in this area Invests Strategically in Digital Resources Invests Strategically in Digital Resources OUTCOME: Leverages an understanding of school and community needs to identify and invest in digital resources to support student learning. Sample Strategies for Future Ready Librarians: ~Invest in maker studio...
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Future Ready Community Partnerships

1 Tagline which describes the focus of work in this area Cultivates Community Partnerships Cultivates Community Partnerships OUTCOME: Cultivates partnerships within the school and local community (families and caregivers, non-profit organizations, government agencies, public and higher education libraries, businesses, etc.) to promote engagement and a lifelong learning process. Sample Strategies...
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Future Ready Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

3 Taglines which describe focus of work in this area Builds Instructional Partnerships Empowers Students as Creators Curates Digital Resources and Tools   Builds Instructional Partnerships OUTCOME: Partners with educators to design and implement evidence-based curricula and assessments that integrate elements of deeper learning, critical thinking, information literacy, digital citizenship,...
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Future Ready Data and Privacy

1 Tagline which describes the focus of work in this area Advocates for Student Privacy   Advocates for Student Privacy OUTCOME: Teaches and promotes student data privacy through their instruction and role as educational leaders. Sample Strategies ~Parent training on privacy, digital citizenship and online safety ~Regular lessons on digital...
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Future Ready Nebraska

2024 Future Ready Nebraska Conference   CONFERENCE INFORMATION WEBSITE/REGISTRATION Upcoming Future Ready Group  Meetings: FR Council, December 7, 2023, 9:00 a.m. (NDE) FR Librarians, December 14, 2023, 2:45 p.m. (Zoom) Use of Space & Time Primary Objective: Create opportunities for districts to explore innovative classroom models. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment...
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Future Ready Personalized Professional Development

1 Tagline which describes the focus of work in this area Facilitates Professional Learning   Facilitates Professional Learning OUTCOME: Leads professional learning to cultivate broader understanding of the skills that comprise success in a digital age (e.g., critical thinking, information literacy, digital citizenship, technology competencies, etc.) Sample Strategies ~Teach professional...
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Future Ready Robust Infrastructure

1 Tagline which describes the focus of the work in this area Ensures Equitable Digital Access   Ensures Equitable Digital Access OUTCOME: Provides and advocates for equitable access to connectivity, digital devices, information, resources, programming, and services in support of the district’s strategic vision. Sample Strategies for Future Ready Librarians...
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Future Ready Use of Space and Time

1 Tagline which describes the focus of work in this area Designs Collaborative Spaces     Designs Collaborative Spaces OUTCOME: Provides flexible spaces that promote inquiry, creativity, collaboration and community. Sample Strategies for Future Ready Librarians ~Reevaluate Makerspace design areas ~Replace old bookcases with shorter, mobile bookcases ~Purchase flexible seating...
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Health Education

Health Education is a unique and separate academic discipline. It influences individual, family, and societal development, knowledge, attitudes and behavior and seeks the improvement of individual, family and community health. Health education helps individuals seek that which moves them toward optimal stages of wellness. It means also to aid individuals...
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Health Science

Career Pathways and Specialty Examples Health Informatics Workers occupy many different levels of health care related employment. This pathway includes health care administrators who manage health care agencies as well as those individuals who are responsible for managing all of the patient data and information, financial information, and computer applications...
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Heritage Speakers Programs

Research: Heritage speaker programs present language study of a “world” or “foreign language” to learners with a family heritage in that language. Here are some key points about heritage language study: HL students have acquired nearly 90% of the phonological system of a prestige dialect of their ancestral language. HL...
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High Ability Learners

High Ability Learners (HAL) Vision All gifted and talented students in Nebraska have meaningful opportunities for academic and personal growth commensurate with their abilities as well as career development to actualize their full potential and become lifelong learners who are college, career, and civic-ready. High Ability Learners (HAL) Mission Locally...
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High School Resource Materials

Best Resources Foreign Languages & The Literary in the Everyday: Helping Students to Make Meaning The Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE) project  is an archive of literacy-based materials. It includes forum spaces for discussions between members of teaching communities and examples of how to integrate the...
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High School World Language Models

All secondary students must have access to a minimum of two years of world language study. There are many types of models schools can use depending on the needs and goals of the school and community. Dual Language Immersion Programs Dual language immersion programs provide content instruction in both English...
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HIV AIDS Education

Welcome to the HIV/Sexual Health Education Homepage HIV/STD prevention and sexual health education is an essential component of students’ physical, social and emotional development. Health education programs that include age and developmentally appropriate, medically accurate information on a broad set of topics related to sexuality, including abstinence, contraception and disease...
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How Nebraska Businesses Support the Seal of Biliteracy

Nebraska businesses are encouraged to consider the Seal of Biliteracy as a measurement for student achievement in language learning and proficiency. Businesses may show their support for world language learning and biliteracy by signing on to the Nebraska Seal of Biliteracy Letter of Support and by posting the "We Support...
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Human Sciences and Family and Consumer Sciences

Welcome to the Human Sciences & Education Website This Career Field consists of four clusters: Education & Training Family & Consumer Sciences (Human Services) Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Government & Public Administration


IEP Facilitation

NE IEP Facilitation Guide 2020 2023-24 IEP Facilitator List If you have questions or comments about the IEP Facilitation option, Contact Jordyn Brummund at the Nebraska Department of Education: jordyn.brummund@nebraska.gov or 531.207.9977